Photo Jan 16, 02 27 26.jpg

Basic CARs Routine



This is daily morning routine for controlled articular rotations, or cars. You’re not doing joint circles; you’re creating a daily ritual, or habit, of moving your joints through their greatest rotational range of motion. This is imperative to the health and longevity of your joints, as well as the success of future training.

There are three considerations:

Irradiation means creating a co-contraction throughout your entire body. The isometric contraction will be about 10 – 30% your maximum effort. Remember that it’s the start of your day, so high intensity, 80 – 90%, isn’t recommended. Only 10 – 30% of your max. As you rotate your joint, you are traveling through a density of about 30% denser than air. SLOWLY go through your greatest rotational range of motion to give your nervous system more feedback for each individual joint.

The control aspect is to dissociate other joints out of the movement. The joint being moved is the only one and there isn’t any coupling from additional joints (isolation).

The involvement of other joints will lead to compensatory movements and limit the optimization of the targeted joint (compensation).

Perform the basic CARs routine every day!