If you have a question, there's probably an answer. If your unique inquiry is not listed below, feel free to reach out so we can work it out together.


  • As of January 2020, training sessions now take place at the client’s private home or home gym. Additional areas include public parks.

  • Yes. The training location is determined based on the client’s schedule and availability of equipment needed for the session. A consistent location is ideal, but job demands and school functions may lead to location adjustments.

  • Certain aspects of nutrition are outside the scope of practice of the coaches.

    Scope of Practice
    The scope of practice for coaches lies primarily within two areas: the field of physical assessment and the development of an appropriate strength and conditioning training program based on a client’s goals and abilities.

    Fitness Professional vs. Nutrition Professional
    Coaches inform and guide clients on of the role of nutrients in health and exercise. Coaches also help clients identify the dietary choices that may be helping or hindering their progress, guide them toward more appropriate food choices, and provide them with accountability and support during their training and implementation of any dietary changes. Anything beyond that will require a referral.
    In cases where a client has medical conditions (e.g., diabetes or heart disease) that require specific dietary modifications, or if a client requests specific meal plans, that’s where a qualified nutrition professional comes in, such as an RD/RDN (Registered Dietitian/ Registered Dietitian Nutritionist) or LDN (Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist)

  • Articular 210 has full liability coverage with Next Insurance for personal injuries and rented premises damage. If any person is harmed or property damaged under the care of A210, the situation will be thoroughly evaluated and a file claimed to rectify the situation accordingly.


cost & payments

  • Training sessions start at 140.00, and vary according to packages. For a full list of individual and group packages, view Services.

  • Electronic payments are preferred. Methods include Venmo and Zelle (bank-to-bank). Additional methods include check and cash. If a cash payment is made, a receipt will be issued to have the transaction on record.

  • Payments are submitted in full prior to a single session or the first session of any individual or group package, using one of the payment methods listed.

  • A full refund is offered up to 24 hours before a single session. For individual and group packages, a refund must be requested and will only be honored prior to completion of half the package. The amount corresponding to the remaining sessions will be returned. For example, a 4-session package is $460.00. If after one (1) session, a refund request is submitted, the remaining amount of $345.00 will be returned. A request cannot be made after completion of two (2) sessions in the 4-session package. If one is made, it will not be honored. Any unused sessions will be considered forfeited (non-refundable). Requests can be made here.