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What's the best A210 fit for me?

Articular Aging | Men's Health | S & C


If anyone's ever told you that aging led to the decrease in their flexibility and increase in joint pain, you have been grossly misinformed. The truth is that aging without proper movement can reduce the allowance of motion.

Use it or lose it!

Aging has a stigma attached to it that adults of a certain age can disprove by preserving bone mineral density (BMD) and strength. There's beauty in wrinkles and the dignity of a seasoned life that can be demonstrated through articular independence (individual joint health) and articular interdependence (multi-joint teamwork). Since people are constantly changing, this space is a way to provide constant input to help them adapt to the newly changing tissues and age gracefully.

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With the number of health concerns affecting men, we're taking a proactive approach to changing habits and reducing risk factors. Chronic diseases and conditions (musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and heart disease) are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States, and are highly preventable with the correct exercise prescription. Although the obvious signs of chronic disease can go unnoticed, men are in a unique position to work closely with a coach in primary prevention (getting ahead of chronic disease) and secondary prevention (treatment)--both involving movement as the medicine. Other ways to help men improve quality of life is using Articular 210 methods to regulate stress and insulin-like growth factors and increase energy production and testosterone.

strength & CONditioning

ATHLETIC strength & conditioning
Train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. Coaches conduct sport-specific tests, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs, and provide guidance regarding nutrition and injury mitigation.

TACTICAL strength & conditioning
Physically train military and emergency personnel to improve performance, promote wellness, and reduce job-related health and injury risks. Coaches and facilitators conduct needs analyses and physical testing sessions, design and implement safe and effective strength training and conditioning programs, and provide general information regarding nutrition.