Quick Reference Guides


Click here or on the link below to download the dynamic stretch routine in PDF. The file will open in a new window.

Click here or on the link below to download the dynamic stretch routine in PDF. The file will open in a new window.


Static flexibility exercises, which can be performed individually or with a partner, are stretches that involve moving into positions that challenge flexibility limits and improve range of motion (ROM). However, static stretching prior to training has the potential of lowering strength levels and rate of force development (RFD), which is how we’ve come to know dynamic stretching, a type of functionally based stretching routine that uses sport-generic and sport-specific movements to prepare the body for activity, rather than statically holding a stretch.

When it comes to athletes and mobility, the Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand (SAID) Principle states that our bodies will physiologically adapt according to whether we are training aerobically or anaerobically. This means that if an athlete’s training objective includes them becoming more explosive, they must train explosively; therefore, for maximum effectiveness, the stretching exercises must complement the objective in form and speed. For example, dynamic stretching movements will work better than slow, static stretching movements in improving high and fast kicking movements. In other words, static stretches improve static flexibility and dynamic stretches improve dynamic flexibility, which is why it makes more sense to use dynamic stretches, rather than static stretches, as a warm-up for dynamic action.

The following dynamic warm-up considers key psychological factors that make dynamic flexibility exercises a core piece of a well-developed and logical warm-up progression for enhancing jumping and sprinting ability. This superior method of warming up is exhibited when the choice of exercises follow a format of low demand to high demand and simple to complex. Dynamic warm-ups increase enthusiasm, eagerness, mental readiness, and skilled performance, especially when the activity is identical or directly related to the skill.

When performing the warm-up on a field or open space, measure 30 yards from start to finish; on a tennis court, start to finish is from the baseline to the net.

Click on the link to download the dynamic stretch routine in PDF.